Internet Gaming | Domestic Payment Processing

PPS Hawaii recently moved Legal Internet Gaming from the Prohibited Merchant Category Code (MCC) list to the Elevated Risk MCC list. This puts the following MCCs in scope for boarding:

  • Internet Gaming – MCC Code 7995, sub-MCC 6380
  • Government Owned Lotteries – MCC Code 7800, sub-MCC 7029
  • Government Licensed Casinos – MCC Code 7801, sub-MCC 7030
  • Government Licensed Horse/Dog Racing – MCC 7802, sub-MCC 7031

Legal Internet Gaming Details 
Any prospective customer must be an established mature business entity that can fully satisfy the Legal Internet Gaming credit/risk checklist requirements, which includes having all appropriate licensing. The standard paper application process applies for government entities, and customers must sign the Internet Gaming addendum.

PPS Hawaii is excited to offer reliable and secure credit card processing services with competitive rate plans for online gaming business. For more information please email