The PPS Advantage

The demand for integrated electronic payment solutions continues its upward trajectory, dramatically reshaping our industry. EMV, iCloud tablet Point of Sale (POS), Contactless, Mobil, e-Commerce, EMR and Accounting software systems are merging into All-in-One user-friendly solutions.

Let PPS guide you through the dynamic payment processing landscape and construct attractive integrated solutions that best suit the needs of your business.

Our team of software and integrated payment solution experts will present the most advanced technologies and payment vehicles available for your consideration.

Cloud Based Avada Finance

Let’s Get Started…

PPS Hawaii begins its client relationship with a Complimentary evaluation of the most recent merchant account statement. All rates, fees, and current charges, both “hidden” and apparent, are revealed, itemized and compared to a new Customized rate plan offer for the customer’s review.

PPS Hawaii is typically able to save clients 10% to 30% percent off their current processing fees, depending on various factors. We compete with the likes of Bank of Hawaii, First Hawaiian Bank, Gravity, Chase, Wells Fargo and Heartland.

The PPS Advantage

Why Choose PPS?

PPS Hawaii, and its processing partner, Elavon, bring integrated and secure solutions with EMV capability and PCI compliance. Extract maximum value from your merchant services provider.  Let PPS leverage the world’s best technologies, competitive rate programs and highest standards in customer service and support to optimize the vitality of your business. Consistently rated among the top five global payment providers, Elavon processes over 2 billion transactions globally worth more than $300 billion annually. We bring innovative, scalable solutions that drive commerce for over 1 million customers around the globe.

Count on us to deliver flexible, secure platforms and process your electronic payments over the most reliable network you can trust. PPS ensures that our customers receive ongoing product awareness, necessary upgrade notifications, and any relevant data that bestows knowledge and nurtures growth and simplicity. We recognize that the success of your business imprints on ours. Indeed, the integrity of our relationship promotes longevity. Our commitment to your satisfaction is, therefore, unwavering and defines our ambition: Your PPS Advantage!